Working principle of large domestic sewage treatment equipment
This equipment is manufactured by Wenzhou Haidoneng Environmental Protection Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. It is a 75 tons automatic softening and purifying water treatment system.
The removal of organic pollutants and ammonia nitrogen mainly depends on the AO biological treatment process in a series of sewage treatment equipment.Which works in class A, as A result of high concentrations of organic sewage anoxic condition, in the microbial organisms as facultative microorganisms, so A level pool not only have A certain amount of organic matter removal function, reduce the organic load of subsequent aerobic pool, organic matter concentration is reduced, but there is still A certain amount of organic matter and high NH3 - N.In order to further oxidize and decompose organic matter, and at the same time, nitrification can be carried out smoothly under carbonization, an aerobic biological contact oxidation cell with low organic load is set up in grade O.Aerobic microorganisms and autoaerobic bacteria (nitrifying bacteria) mainly exist in the O - class tank.Aerobic microorganisms decompose organic matter into CO2 and H2O.Autotrophic bacteria (nitrifying bacteria) use inorganic carbon generated by organic matter decomposition or CO2 in the air as A nutrient source to convert NH3-N in sewage into NO-2-N and NO-3-N. The effluent of the O-level pool is partially returned to the A-level pool to provide electronic acceptor for the A-level pool, and finally eliminate nitrogen pollution through denitrification.
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