Structure of ultrafiltration mineral water treatment equipment
This equipment is manufactured by Wenzhou Haidoneng Environmental Protection Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. It is an automatic hollow fiber ultrafiltration mineral water equipment with 16 tons per hour.
1, ultrafiltration water treatment equipment is a membrane separation process driven by pressure. Through the screening of micropores on the membrane surface, particles and impurities between 0.002-0.1μm in diameter can be intercepted, and colloid, silicon, protein, microorganisms and macromolecular organic matter can be effectively removed in water.When the liquid mixture flows through the membrane surface under a certain pressure, the solvent and small molecules pass through the membrane, while the macromolecules are trapped, so as to achieve the purpose of size, separation and purification between molecules.Can be widely used in material separation, concentration, purification.Ultrafiltration process has no phase conversion, no heating, normal temperature operation, energy saving, especially suitable for the separation of heat-sensitive substances.The ultrafiltration process is simple, the supporting device is few, the operation is simple, the maintenance cost is low.Ultrafiltration membrane is resistant to chemical corrosion, pH range is wide, the largest membrane area per unit volume of ultrafiltration device, the lowest investment cost, simple cleaning.
2, ultrafiltration is a screening process using membrane separation technology. The pressure difference on both sides of the membrane is the driving force. The ultrafiltration membrane is the filtering medium.The material whose volume is larger than the micropore size on the membrane surface is trapped in the inlet side of the membrane and becomes the concentrated solution, so as to realize the purpose of purification, separation and concentration of the original solution.
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