Ultrafiltration mineral water and reverse osmosis pure water dual use equipment
This equipment is manufactured by the source manufacturer of Wenzhou Haidoneng Environmental Protection Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. It produces 16 tons of automatic ultrafiltration mineral water and 10 tons of reverse osmosis purified water.
Ultrafiltration (UF) device is an advanced membrane separation technology. The solvent and various small solutes contained in the feed liquid pass through the filtration membrane from the high pressure feed liquid side to the low pressure side, so as to obtain the permeation liquid or ultrafiltration liquid.The micropores of the ultrafiltration membrane can reach less than 0.01 micron (1/100,000th of a millimeter), which can effectively remove the particles, colloid, bacteria, heat source and organic matter in water, and the solute molecules larger than the membrane pore size are intercepted by the membrane into concentrated solution.
The basic working principle of reverse osmosis (RO) is: the use of special high pressure water pump, the raw water to 6-20 kg of pressure, so that the raw water under the action of pressure through the diameter of only 0.0001 micron reverse osmosis membrane.Chemical ions and bacteria, fungi, and virions cannot pass through, and are discharged with the wastewater. Only water molecules and solvents smaller than 0.0001 micron are allowed to pass through.
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