Operation mode of deionized water equipment
Activated carbon is divided into powdered carbon and granular carbon, and its operation mode and equipment are different.
(1) Powdered charcoal. Drinking water powdered carbon adsorption treatment is to prepare powdered carbon into a carbon slurry, which is continuously added with water, and the deionized water equipment is adsorbed and then separated from the water by gravity. The powdered carbon adsorption treatment can be combined with other treatment processes. For example, in the water supply treatment, the powdered carbon is generally added together with the coagulant, and is settled and separated together with the alum in the sedimentation tank. The effluent concentration is determined by the dosage of carbon and the adsorption capacity.
The advantages of powdered carbon adsorption are: in addition to the dosing system, there is no need to increase the treatment structure; it can be used as a supplementary and emergency system for the deterioration of the source water quality. The disadvantages are: because the carbon in powdered carbon adsorption is in equilibrium with the concentration of effluent, the adsorption capacity of carbon has not been effectively exerted; powdered carbon is difficult to recycle and is a one-time use, although the price of powdered carbon is lower than that of granular Charcoal, but the processing cost is not low.
① Treatment method. Granular carbon adsorption adopts the form of granular carbon filtration. According to the flow direction of water in the carbon layer, it is divided into two types: downflow and upflow.
According to the theory of activated carbon adsorption process, the carbon layer in the carbon bed is divided into three parts: saturated layer, adsorption zone and unworked layer. Taking the downflow type as an example, as the adsorption operation time increases, the influent water first contacts the upper carbon, and the adsorbate is adsorbed in the adsorption zone, which makes the upper saturation layer thicker and the adsorption zone gradually moves downward.
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