gd55光大彩票Precautions for installation of barreled pure water equipment in water plants
Bottled water equipment in water plants should be installed in a ventilated and dry place as much as possible. Due to prolonged damp environment, electrical equipment and components will be damaged. The barreled purified water equipment system of the water plant should be placed in a place that is easy for operators to enter and maintain, and leave enough space around it. Electrical installation work should be carried out by professional electrical technicians, and the grounding should be reliable to prevent electric shock accidents.
The installation point of the barreled purified water equipment in the water plant should ensure that it is not higher than 45oC in summer and not lower than 4oC in winter. Otherwise, the device cannot be restored to its original state. The height of the pure water collection point cannot exceed the height of the pure water outlet of the equipment by 1.5 meters, otherwise it will produce back pressure on the reverse osmosis membrane and cause irreparable damage to the reverse osmosis membrane. No valve can be installed in the pure water outlet connecting pipe, nor any device that prevents the pure water from flowing out. The barreled pure water equipment of the water plant is an integrated reverse osmosis device, only need to press the raw water-raw water tower-booster pump-sand filter-carbon filter-fine filter-high pressure pump-RO first-stage reverse osmosis device-ultraviolet sterilizer-pure Just connect the pipes to the water tank in this process.
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