
Wenzhou Haineng environmental protection equipment Technology Co., Ltd.

gd55光大彩票HDNRO-3000 type ultrafiltration mineral water with softening hollow fiber

HDNRO-3000 type ultrafiltration mineral water with softening hollow fiber
HDNRO-3000 type ultrafiltration mineral water with softening hollow fiber
Contact:Mr. Sun

1、Equipment name: automatic with softening hollow fiber ultrafiltration mineral water equipment with ozone mixing tower ultraviolet

2、Specifications and model: HDNUF-3000L

3、Equipment brand: Wenzhou Haidoneng -WZHDN

Four.Product function description:

1, mechanical filter:

It is mainly used to remove impurities such as rust, sediment, algae and suspended matter in water, reduce the turbidity of water, make the turbidity of effluent less than 0.5NTU, CODMn less than 1.5mg/L, iron content less than 0.05mg/L, SDI≤5.Backwash and forward wash can be carried out at any time through the control valve to rinse off the dirt on its surface, prevent its blockage and restore its filtering ability.

2, activated carbon filter:

Activated carbon has a strong adsorption filtration performance, the residual chlorine in the water, heterochromatic, odor, organic matter has a strong adsorption.Because the reverse osmosis membrane is very sensitive to residual chlorine and organic matter, it must be equipped with activated carbon to adsorb residual chlorine and organic matter, so that the residual chlorine in the effluent is less than or equal to 0.1mg/L and SDI is less than or equal to 4. First, it can meet the water supply requirements of the reverse osmosis membrane.The second can greatly improve the original taste of the source water.Can at any time through the multi-way control valve or steam butterfly valve backwash, in order to wash off the surface of the colloid and other pollutants, to prevent the surface of activated carbon is surrounded by impurities can not play adsorption, and to prevent its blocking, restore its processing ability.

3, softening water device:

The hardness of water is mainly composed of cations: calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) ions.When the raw water with hardness passes through the positive resin layer of the water softener, the calcium and magnesium ions in the water are adsorbed by the resin, and the sodium ions are released at the same time.It from escaping from the exchange of water is to remove the demineralized water hardness ions, when the absorption of calcium and magnesium ions resin after reaching a certain degree, the loss of exchange capacity, water softener, in accordance with the scheduled program at this time, automatically invalidation of the resin regeneration work, with a high concentration of sodium chloride solution through resin, to restore failure of the resin to sodium to resin.

4. Security filter:

After pretreatment, the high pressure pump is equipped with a security filter, which can prevent impurities larger than 1UM from entering the high pressure pump and damaging the high pressure pump and reverse osmosis membrane.The use of loose and tight PP filter element (with skeleton, good strength), water from the outside to the inside of the filter, can extend the time of the filter element is blocked.The upper part has an exhaust valve, which can prevent the air from entering the pump and damaging the pump, and the lower part has a sewage valve, which can discharge the impurities intercepted at any time.

5. Hollow ultrafiltration device:

Ultrafiltration technology is a relatively mature mineral water production process in the world at present, and is also widely used in the market and a wide range of water treatment technology.It can precisely filter out bacteria, viruses, and various floating substances in the water, with low working pressure, large water production, large water flow, low cost and easy maintenance.Automatic flushing device is designed to prolong its service life.

6. Ultraviolet sterilizer:

Ultraviolet is an invisible light wave, which exists outside the ultraviolet end of the spectrum, so it is called ultraviolet. According to different wavelength range, it is divided into three bands: A, B and C. The ultraviolet wavelength of C band is between 240-260nm, which is the most effective bactericidal band.Modern ultraviolet disinfection technology is based on modern epidemic prevention, optics, biology and physical chemistry, using specially designed high efficiency, high intensity and long life of C-band ultraviolet light generation device, the strong ultraviolet C light generated by the water (air or solid surface),When water (air or solid surface) of all sorts of bacteria, viruses, parasites, algae and other pathogens by ultraviolet C irradiation dose, the DNA structure in cells were damaged, which in the case of without using any chemical drugs kill bacteria, viruses, and other circulating, achieve the purpose of disinfection and purification.

7, ozone mixing tower:

Ozone is through the pipeline into the bottom of the oxidation tower, through the aerator, through the microporous bubbler issued another micro bubble, the bubble in the rising process of ozone dissolved in water.Water is scattered down from the top of the ozone tower and naturally flows away from the top of the ozone tower.Ensures plenty of ozone mixing with water.To make the sterilization effect more bottom measurement, the top is equipped with exhaust emissions and overflow port, to ensure that the remaining ozone will not stay indoors.Affect the production of operators.The overflow port ensures that when the water inside the mixing tower is full, the water does not flow back to the ozone generator and damage the ozone generator.

8, ozone sterilizer:

The ozone dissolves in the water, has the continuous sterilization ability, its long life, the sterilization effect is good, and its power consumption is small, does not pollute the water quality, no residue.It is a sterilization method which is widely used in the production of drinking bottled or barreled purified water at present.Its concentration is generally 3g/ ton of pure water.In the process of using ozone sterilization, it is necessary to be equipped with the bundle of ozone oxidation mixing tower to start the mixing sterilization.

9. Oxygen generator:

The principle of industrial oxygen making machine is to use air separation technology, first of all, the air is compressed with high density and then the condensing point of each component in the air is different so that it can be separated from the gas and liquid at a certain temperature, and then further distillation.Industrial use of oxygen is generally obtained by this physical method, and large air separation equipment is generally designed at a higher level so that gases such as oxygen/nitrogen can be sufficiently heated to undergo distillation as they climb and fall.Working principle of household oxygen generator: using molecular sieve physical adsorption and desorption technology.Oxygen machine filled with molecular sieve, in the pressure can be nitrogen adsorption in the air, the remaining unabsorbed oxygen is collected, after purification treatment to become high purity oxygen.Molecular sieve in decompression will be adsorbed nitrogen emissions back to the ambient air, in the next pressure can be adsorbed nitrogen and oxygen, the whole process is cyclical dynamic cycle process, molecular sieve is not consumed.

V. Features of the machine:

◇ UF film automatic, manual operation/washing;

◇ UF film in the machine can be manually chemical cleaning;

◇ High water level automatic shutdown, low water level automatic startup;

◇ Multi-stage high pressure pump water shortage protection and overload and overpressure protection;

◇ Loss of voltage, undervoltage, overcurrent, short circuit, break circuit, leakage protection;

◇ The equipment is made of stainless steel, automatic operation, without manual integrity.





         (1) 产水流量:3/h(水温25℃)前处理加UF中空超滤装置

         (2) 产水标准:符合天然矿泉水国家标准AGB/T 19249-2003

         (3) 符合国家《饮用山泉水质标准》CJ94-2005

         (4) 电导率≥20μm/cm
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