gd55光大彩票What is the standard configuration in the use of laboratory ultrapure water equipment?
The effluent quality of the electronic-grade ultrapure water equipment fully conforms to the American ASTM pure water quality standards and the electronic-grade water quality technical standards of the Ministry of Electronics Industry of my country (18MΩ.cm, 15MΩ.cm, 10MΩ.cm, 2MΩ.cm, 0.5MΩ.cm five-level standards ), my country's Ministry of Electronics Industry's high-purity water quality trial standards, the US semiconductor industry's pure water indicators, Japan's integrated circuit water quality standards, and domestic and foreign large-scale integrated circuit water quality standards. So, what is the standard configuration in the use of laboratory ultrapure water equipment?
1. Integrated PPF precision filter element: filter sediment and particulate matter;
2. Integrated activated carbon filter element: adsorption of organic matter and residual chlorine;
3. Reverse osmosis membrane device: the first step is desalination and removal of bacteria and organic matter in tap water;
4. Pressure pure water bucket: store reverse osmosis pure water, and provide water power at the same time;
5. Ion exchange column: the second step desalination, the resistance is more than 10 megohms;
6. Nuclear-grade ultra-purification column: the third step is deep desalting, and the resistance is more than 18.2 megohms;
7. Terminal 1 micron microporous filtration: filter fine particulate matter;
8. 0.45+0.2 micron pore size terminal filter for ultrapure water (optional): remove bacteria and impurities;
9. Electronic components, etc.: Provide various control functions.
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