
Wenzhou Haineng environmental protection equipment Technology Co., Ltd.

2 tons of automatic reverse osmosis pure water equipment per hour


2 tons of automatic reverse osmosis pure water equipment per hour

The 2-ton deionized water equipment manufactured by Wenzhou Haidoneng Environmental Protection Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. ensures the safety of drinking water:

1. Toxicity to experimental animals and its relationship with human health

The oral LDG of different forms of manganese was between 400 and 830mg/kg.Deionized water equipment manganese mainly harms the central nervous system, can appear decadence, increased muscle tone, tremor and mental decline and other toxic symptoms.If each large exposure dose was between 1 and 150mg/kg, experimental rats and mice showed signs of neurological damage, mainly including changes in neurotransmitters and enzyme levels in the brain.Sometimes these changes are accompanied by clinical symptoms, such as movement disorders and changes in activity levels.Chronic daily intake of 1 to 2mg of manganese per kilogram of body weight can alter the appetite of rabbits, pigs and cattle and reduce hemoglobin synthesis.Long-term exposure to manganese temporarily affected the levels of biogenic amines and the activities of dopamine B-hydroxylase and monoamine oxidase in the brain of rats.Monkeys given 25mg/kg of manganese orally every day for 18 months were observed to become weak and rigid.Exposure to chronic manganese in our clinic may cause changes in reproductive function.Although some animal studies have shown that moderate amounts of manganese have some anticancer effects, excessive consumption of human manganese can increase the incidence of tumors.

2. Determination of limits in drinking water

A person can consume up to 20mg of manganese per day without obvious signs of illness.Based on a human intake of 12mg/d, a 60kg adult would receive 0.2mg/kg of manganese per day on the scale.Generally is taken only 20% in the amount of manganese is provided by drinking water, considering the bioavailability of manganese in water could increase the tentative uncertain factor of 3, calculated on the basis of manganese in water based on the quality of health concentration limit of 0.4 mg/L, but is important to note that although this limit is enough to protect human health, but the content will cause the precipitation and the water is cloudy, so generally when mn content is below 0.1 mg/L, can make users satisfied with the quality comparison.


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矿泉水设备 纯水机 去离子水设备

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  • Tel:0086-577-86864188
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