
Wenzhou Haineng environmental protection equipment Technology Co., Ltd.

Deionized water equipment is more practical in the south


Deionized water equipment is more practical in the south

Water-borne infectious diseases are those caused by drinking or coming into contact with water contaminated with pathogens. Major drinking-water transmission by deionized water equipment includes typhoid and paratyphoid, bacillary dysentery, cholera, viral hepatitis, giardia, cryptosporidiosis, etc. The following briefly introduces some common water-mediated infectious diseases in our country.

D Typhoid and paratyphoid. Typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever are acute infectious diseases of digestive tract caused by Bacillus typhi and Bacillus paratyphoid respectively. They are clinically characterized by persistent high fever, relatively slow pulse, characteristic toxic symptoms, splenomegaly, rose rash and leukopenia. Typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever are important infectious diseases of digestive tract.

Patients and carriers are the source of infection, and drinking water is an important transmission route of the disease. Untreated feces of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever patients flowing into surface water or Wells, chickens and ducks and other animals in the water can cause typhoid fever, paratyphoid pathogens contaminate the water. Pathogens have strong resistance in the external environment. Deionized water equipment such as Salmonella typhimurium can survive in sludge for 8 to 12 weeks at 25C. Salmonella typhimurium can survive 279 days after being inoculated in hospital sewage at 30C.

According to the national survey on Water quality and waterborne diseases, 353 outbreaks of water-induced typhoid fever occurred in China from 1958 to 1984, with an incidence rate of 0.63% to 78.7, and a total of 45,535 cases. Since 1958, water-induced typhoid outbreaks have occurred almost every year and are widespread. Water - induced typhoid outbreaks can occur throughout the year, but with seasonal fluctuations. Generally, the number of outbreaks began to increase from April, continued to rise in May and June, and then gradually declined after reaching a peak in July, August and September. The epidemic area is mainly in rural areas, and the majority of patients are teenagers. There is no significant difference in incidence between different genders.


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