
Wenzhou Haineng environmental protection equipment Technology Co., Ltd.

gd55光大彩票Deionized water equipment also has some limitations


Deionized water equipment also has some limitations

Activated carbon adsorption has a wide range of removal of pollutants in water. Activated carbon can effectively remove the odor caused by water substances, (deionized water equipment) such as geosmin, 2-methyl isotropol (MB) and so on. It has a good adsorption capacity for aromatic compounds and a variety of pesticides. It also has a good adsorption effect on many heavy metal ions, such as mercury hexavalent chromium, pot and lead. Activated carbon has a good effect on the removal of mutagenic substances in water. Several studies have shown that the mutagenic activity of water with positive mutagenic activity is negative after activated carbon adsorption. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recommends activated carbon adsorption as the best practical technology to improve the water quality of surface water source plants.


But activated carbon adsorption also has certain limitations. For trihalomethane substances, the adsorption capacity of activated carbon is low. If the trihalomethane penetration is taken as the end of the operation cycle of the activated carbon filter bed, the regeneration cycle of the carbon bed is generally only about 3 months, and the adsorption capacity of organic matter of the carbon bed can generally be maintained for more than one year. Activated carbon also has limited effect on the removal of precursors of disinfecting byproducts. Experimental study showed that the molecular weight of active carbon adsorption removal of organic matter in water treatment are mainly distributed in the 500-10 u (Dalton), between (deionized water equipment) of large molecular weight organic matter into pores of active carbon adsorption area, drinking water sources in water much smaller molecular weight substances contained more carboxyl, hydroxyl and so on, the polarity of the molecules is stronger, Because activated carbon is a non-polar adsorbent, the adsorption of polar molecules is poor.


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