
Wenzhou Haineng environmental protection equipment Technology Co., Ltd.

The development of pure water equipment


The development of pure water equipment

This equipment is manufactured by Wenzhou Haidoneng Environmental Protection Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. It is a 40-ton automatic one-stage reverse osmosis pure water equipment with softening belt.


1, pure water equipment, which is mainly used in reverse osmosis membrane technology.Its working principle is applied to water pressure, the water molecules and ions in the state of mineral elements by reverse osmosis membrane, and dissolved in the water for the most part of inorganic salt (including heavy metals), organic matter and bacteria, viruses cannot through the reverse osmosis membrane, so that the permeation of water and impermeable to water condensed strict separated;The pore size of the reverse osmosis membrane is just 0.0001 micron, compared with the typical diameter of 0.02 to 0.4 micron for viruses and 0.4 to 1 micron for common bacteria.

(1) Mixed bed ion exchange technology has been the standard process for the preparation of ultrapure water in recent decades.Due to the need for periodic regeneration and the use of a large number of chemicals (acid and alkali) and pure water in the process of regeneration, and cause some environmental problems, it is necessary to develop an acid and alkali free ultra-pure water system.

(2) Because the traditional ion exchange has been increasingly unable to meet the needs of modern industry and environmental protection, so the combination of membrane, resin and electrochemical principle of EDI technology has become a revolution in water treatment technology.The regeneration of its ion exchange resin uses electricity, and no longer needs acid and base, so it is more satisfied with the environmental protection requirements of today's world.

(3) Since the industrialization of EDI membrane stack technology in 1986, thousands of EDI systems have been installed all over the world, especially in the pharmaceutical, semiconductor, electric power and surface cleaning industries have been vigorously developed, at the same time in the field of wastewater treatment, beverage and microorganism and other fields are also widely used.


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  • Tel:0086-577-86864188
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